
JR Angler - FISH307

Do you have a great kid who loves to fish? Would you like to see them recognized as an official FISH307.COM Junior Angler? The Junior Anglers love to see themselves as 'famous' on Facebook, and we love to see them smile as the next generation of our sport.

It's easy to do. Just send some details about your junior through this form. We will take a look at things like their favorite place to fish, any advice they'd offer for other anglers (young or not so young :-)), etc. Please attach some pics of them with their favorite catch- or even just trying their luck.
We announce Junior Anglers on Facebook on Wednesdays, AND... we give them a PRIZE PACK that contains some cool stuff- FISH307.com swag, some Rabid Baits, and a t-shirt!
Tell us about them today.